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Citizenship is the common thread that connects all Americans. We are a nation bound not by race or religion, but by the shared values of freedom, liberty, and equality. 


Civic responsibilities are tasks bestowed upon citizens by their government to ensure a balance between protection and allegiance. The government would not function without its citizens and there would be no citizens without government.  This group has no vote in any of the major governmental decisions that affect them.


In a thriving community, residents take an active role. Through civic engagement, such as voting and volunteering, people develop and use knowledge, skills, and voice to cultivate positive change. Such actions can help improve the conditions that influence health and well-being for all.


The Movement feels that voting is the most important right and responsibilities that U.S. citizens have.  About 150 million Americans citizens are qualified to vote.  Unfortunately, many don't.  They give up on a chance to choose leaders and representatives who will do things that are important to them. Voting is your voice.  It is the most important way to make your voice heard on local, state and national issues that concerns you. Voting gives you an opportunity to be part of decision making that affects your life. To address the country’s “broken” and “vulnerable” democratic instructions, The Movement will take action by educating the community and its leadership, registering voters and getting out the vote. 

Increase Minority and young adult voter participation in Lucas County

For decades, researchers have noted a concerning electoral phenomenon: young Americans consistently vote at far lower rates than older Americans (e.g., Miller and Shanks 1996; Wolfinger and Rosenstone 1980; Rosenstone and Hansen 1993). The contrast is especially stark between youth and senior citizens, who consistently have the highest turnout rates. In the 2016 presidential election, only 46 percent of eligible young adults between the ages of 18 to 29 turned out to vote, whereas close to 71 percent of citizens 65 years and older voted—a gap of nearly 25 percentage points (File 2017). Even in the historically high-turnout midterm election of 2018, youth turnout topped out at 35.6 percent, compared to 66 percent for senior voters (Misra 2019).


One reason for this turnout disparity may be that voting is more costly for young people than for other age groups. Other studies have found that when certain barriers to registration and voting are reduced or eliminated, turnout goes up disproportionately for young people. In particular, same-day voter registration and all-mail voting appear to boost turnout for young adults more than for other age groups (Grumbach and Hill 2019; Bonica et al. 2020).


The Movement works with various community partners to educate and get other young adults to educate so that the youth can become aware at how much their vote can help to change lives.

To bring political empowerment though social engagement

The Movement shares ways for youth to fully, effectively, and responsibly engage in political discussion Basic human rights should be recognized and protected, and youth's participation in the society can play an important role in advancing human rights in the process of developing a sense of autonomy and self-confidence, and acting individually and collectively to change social relationships and the institutions and discourses that exclude poor people and keep them in poverty.

Assist the underprivileged by aligning them with community resources

The Movement receives numerous calls to assist frustrated community members who want and need change but are underprivileged and feeling as if their vote doesn't matter or that it's not going to change their situation.  We understand being underprivileged has barriers to their right to vote.  We work with various community partners that shares our mission to educate, register and getting out the vote.  We will assist with removing these barriers by aligning them with community resources that will ensure their best efforts to you casting your ballot.

Create a meaningful fun experience though voting

The Movement is very active within the community.  We have successfully established great working relationships with local activist, community leaders and local politicians.  We work hard at making our local politicians aware of the issues in our community.  We work even harder to not only let voice to our community the importance of voting but we take pride and making it an experience.  We are out there on voting day and see the music change the mood while waiting to cast your vote. Food has been provided along with positive smiles to assist and direct to assist you to get your vote cast.




The Movement
316 N Michigan St., Ste 200
Toledo, Ohio 43604​


Phone:  419.450.3325

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© 2018 THE MOVEMENT Proudly created by AKLCreations   419-450-3325 Tina Butts

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